10 Important Social Media Trends for 2024 and Beyond

Explore the hottest social media trends 2024 and stay ahead of the curve. Learn how to leverage these trends to boost your online presence and engage your audience effectively.

Nancy J. Hassler
01 Dec 2023

Are you up to date with the latest social media trends? If not, you might be missing out on valuable opportunities.

With a staggering 4.62 billion people worldwide actively using social media, it's evident that this digital realm has become an integral part of our lives. What's even more intriguing is the increasing amount of time individuals dedicate to social media platforms, averaging around 2 hours daily.

For businesses, social media presents an immensely potent tool to engage with their audience. The right choice of platforms enables you to connect with your customers wherever they may be, amplify your brand's presence, and even establish profound emotional connections.

Rise of TikTok

With an astonishing two billion downloads and over one billion daily video views, TikTok is one of the most time-consuming apps worldwide.

While 60% of its users are under 24, a substantial 40% consists of adults. Notably, young people have embraced TikTok with open arms, with nearly 40% of Gen Z turning to TikTok before Google for information. Nearly 40% of Gen Z respondents acknowledge TikTok as their go-to source for discovering and purchasing new products.

What's remarkable is not just the surge in investment but the platform's effectiveness, as attested by marketers. In 2021, only 3% of marketers considered TikTok the most effective trending topics on social media 2023 for achieving their business objectives. By 2022, that figure skyrocketed by 700%, with 24% of marketers deeming TikTok the most effective platform.


Crisis management

Over 95% of businesses expect to face a crisis within the next two years, according to a PwC survey. The challenge lies in the fact that many of these organizations lack a designated crisis response team or a comprehensive crisis plan, leaving them vulnerable to the unpredictable nature of today's interconnected world.

According to social media trends, platforms have become a conduit for the rapid dissemination of information, including both minor concerns and major issues. When left unaddressed, what may initially appear as a minor problem can rapidly escalate, causing extensive harm to a business, including financial losses and severe damage to its reputation.

81% of respondents believe that social media has played a pivotal role in enhancing business accountability. 90% of social media users believe that businesses can regain their trust during a crisis by openly acknowledging mistakes and providing transparent insight into the steps being taken to resolve the issue.

Consumers increasingly demand transparency and honesty from brands. A survey revealed that 34% of consumers expect brands to respond to a crisis within 30 minutes on social media.

Successful crisis management begins long before a crisis occurs. Organizations should have well-thought-out crisis communication plans, including social media strategies, response protocols, and designated spokespersons.

Social Advertising

58% of internet users discover new products and brands through social media ads. Moreover, nearly 80% of users use social media for brand-related information. The impact is not just visible; it's quantifiable, as SurveyMonkey data reveals that 48% of social media users have purchased after encountering an ad.

Social media platforms collect user data, allowing advertisers to deliver highly targeted and relevant content. This level of personalization not only enhances the user experience but also boosts conversion rates.

Social commerce features, such as Instagram trends shoppable posts and Facebook Marketplace, are simplifying the purchase journey for users. Purpose-driven advertising, which aligns with social causes and values, resonates deeply with audiences and can drive brand loyalty.

For instance, native app content, such as Instagram Stories or seamlessly integrated TikTok ads, can be used to achieve your objectives while making the most of the channel's distinctive features.


Micro-influencer marketing

89% of marketers believe that the return on investment (ROI) from influencer marketing either matches (41%) or surpasses (48%) other marketing channels. Moreover, it's cost-effective to get started, with a substantial 70.7% of micro-influencers.

The influencers command a colossal viewership of around 10 trillion views per month across all social media platforms. Approximately 46% of people view TikTok as a platform to discover new things, making it a prime avenue for branching out to new brands.

Only 1 in 4 businesses have tapped into the vast potential of these partnerships. This suggests ample opportunities for those interested in diving into this dynamic field.

Micro-influencers have smaller but highly engaged social media followers, typically from 1,000 to 100,000 followers. While they may not have the colossal reach of mega-influencers, their authenticity, niche expertise, and genuine connections with their followers make them formidable assets for brands. This niche focus enables brands to reach their desired demographics, ensuring their message resonates with the right audience.

LinkedIn is gaining popularity

Traditionally, LinkedIn was synonymous with job searches and career advancement. However, its evolution has led to a shift where professionals can proudly display their expertise, share invaluable insights, and craft their brands. These social media trends 2023 led to the rise of LinkedIn influencers.

These LinkedIn creators have carved their niches, emerging as thought leaders within their respective domains. With captivating posts, articles, and videos, they offer unique perspectives, professional counsel, and profound industry insights, captivating audiences and fostering meaningful discussions.

LinkedIn's algorithm has deftly adapted to this transformation, placing a premium on content from creators and nurturing substantial dialogues. Features like LinkedIn Live and LinkedIn Stories have empowered creators to deliver real-time updates and engage with their audience dynamically and interactively.


User-generated content

UGC refers to any content created by users or customers that showcases a brand's products or services. It can take the form of customer reviews, testimonials, social media posts, images, videos, or blog posts. Essentially, it's authentic content generated by your audience that endorses and shares their experiences with your brand.

What sets it apart is that it's created not by brands but by their unpaid fans, customers, or users. When potential customers see others benefiting from your offerings, it can sway their purchasing decisions.

UGC is prized for its authenticity and lack of bias compared to brand-produced content. 84% of customers trust peer reviews and testimonials more than traditional advertising.

The more existing customers talk about your brand, the more trustworthy it becomes. Incorporating UGC into your content strategy can boost your search engine optimization efforts.

Video content

Video content is now an indispensable element of any successful marketing campaign. A remarkable 96% of marketers acknowledge its importance in their strategies.

Short-form video platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Snapchat have revolutionized content consumption. With their bite-sized, easily digestible content, they've attracted millions of users, especially younger demographics.

From behind-the-scenes glimpses to product packaging reveals, brand Q&As, and participation in viral trends, customers relish the chance to visualize a company's personality. According to social media trends 2023, video content provides that extra layer of connection that text alone can't deliver.


Employee advocatory

Companies, both large and small, are recognizing the potential of their employees as brand advocates on social media.

Your employees can exponentially expand the reach of your brand. With their networks on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook trends 2022, they tap into audiences that might otherwise remain untapped. It's like having an army of brand advocates working in unison.

Social media content shared by employees has proven to be generating 8 times more engagement than content shared on the brand's official social channels. Moreover, this content is shared a remarkable 25 times more frequently.

Employees can convey authenticity and foster trust that's hard to achieve through traditional corporate channels. Audiences tend to trust content shared by employees over branded content.


Customers now expect timely responses to their inquiries or complaints on social media. Brands that prioritize quick and helpful replies stand out. Beyond promoting products, brands are creating content that educates and informs. How-to guides, tutorials, and FAQs are now part of social media strategies.

For instance, airlines now provide real-time updates and rebooking options on Twitter during flight disruptions. Retail brands have integrated chatbots into messaging apps to assist with shopping queries. Educational institutions use social media to answer students' questions and share study resources.

The "Support" is one of the top trends in social media is a testament to the evolving role of these platforms. They are no longer just spaces for promotion but crucial channels for interaction and assistance.


Social SEO

Many Gen Z users now prefer TikTok as a search engine for various queries. This shift in user behavior has led brands to rethink their social media strategies. Businesses are leaving traditional hashtags behind and embracing keywords to align their content with what users are searching for. TikTok has even introduced a "most-searched for" feature, directing users to popular videos associated with specific keywords.

Social media platforms provide a massive audience for content dissemination. When content goes viral or gains traction on social media, it can drive organic traffic to a website, boosting its SEO performance.

  • Ensure your social media profiles are complete, accurate, and aligned with your brand's messaging. Use relevant keywords in your profiles to enhance discoverability.
  • Share high-quality, shareable content on your social media platforms.
  • Use relevant hashtags on platforms like Instagram and Twitter to expand the reach of your content.

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